Superior Lock Service
Ca. Contractor License # 973443 
LCO # 5246
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Bakersfield's FASTEST mobile Locksmith!
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Repair and installation of Schlage products
Repair and installation of Kwikset products
Repair and installation of Yale products
Repair and installation of Sargent products
Repair and installation of Weiser Lock products
Repair and installation of Weslock products
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Then remove a bearing (10mm×4mm×4mm) after the Cogwheel. The bearing should come off as you tip the spool. To remove centrifugal brake This kind of model has 6 point plastic brake which is press fitted to spool. Take ugg 手袋 メンズ the brake out ugg ブーツ 店舗 京都 by using a ugg ブーツ チョコレート tool like a flat blade screwdriver. Please be careful not to damage the uggクラシックトール正規品 brake unit and not to scratch genuine 最新のUGG アグ 新販売 シープスキン 耳あて (Shearling Earmuff ) パープル激安通販 spool. ugg 銀座 uggクラシックミニサイズ選び UGG

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